11th European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasound (EGEUS-ETS) Congress 2025

Abstract submission information


Abstracts can be submitted only via e-mail. The e-mail address created for this purpose: 

Please send the lecture abstracts as an attached file in the e-mail. The attached file name should be the name of the lecturer, without spaces and commas.

In the strain text of the e-mail please provide the information of the only person (first or co-author) who can be considered correspondent and with whom we can contact if necessary. (name, country, e-mail address, workplace) 

The text must be formatted in Microsoft Word, in Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing, with 2,5 cm margins. The abstract text may not be longer than a maximum of 250 words, it cannot contain graphs, figures or images. 

Please indicate the full name of all the lecturers, followed by workplace/institution number in the top index. In case authors have more than one workplace, all of them are required to be indicated. Please note that no subsequent correction is possible, the accepted summaries will be displayed in the submitted form. It is suggested to summerize the text in a meaningful manner, and structure the abstract with the following headings bold but without underlining:

Introduction:, Objectives:, Method:, Results:, Conclusions:

Please note if there is a need for different kind of technique than a computer-projector (Power Point) or if you need sound system to play the lecture. The presentation is requested to be given to the technicians on a pendrive at the latest before the section break.


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 26th May 2025